
Membro desde ‎set 11, 2023
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Sarah Becherer


Novembro 15, 2024
Thank you, Bérangère – I did email the Customer Success team but they've always been pretty slow to reply, and I will submit a Technical Supp...Leia mais
sarahbecherer on Novembro 14, 2024
Hi community, I just got three HubSpot Phone Numbers for my reps to dial out of HubSpot. I set up the numbers successfully however when I dial, I get a "Call disconnected" message immediately upon connecting. The call auto-disconnects and never Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Janeiro 25, 2024
hi there! thanks for the reply! sorry for not providing more context. when i go into the "Edit Columns" section of my Tickets View, both are pres...Leia mais
sarahbecherer on Janeiro 24, 2024
Hi there! What is the difference between these two Ticket fields? We want to associate the Tickets to Deals so we can keep track of which tickets are connected to which partners. Can't figure out if we should be using one or the other or Leia mais
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3 Respostas
sarahbecherer on Janeiro 11, 2024
Hi there! New to HubSpot Sales Hub – thanks in advance! I'm just going to lay this out really frankly instead of using vague variables in order to keep it simple! Here's the scenario: My company is focusing on two specific verticals/cust Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Novembro 28, 2023
Hi Josh! After a long time looking for it, I am unable to find the screen that you screenshotted below for setting up the reports nor can I find the ...Leia mais
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