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Gregg Primm

Happy hubby. Proud dad. Marketing guy. Martial artist. Amateur chef. Movie nerd. Basic bon vivant.


aulicki on Julho 15, 2019
Right now, if you want to add multiple criteria from an Excel doc into a HubSpot smart list, you have to copy and paste them each separately. I would love the functionality to be able to copy and paste multiple cells from Excel into a smart list at Leia mais
58 avaliações positivas
30 Respostas
Julho 01, 2021
I think you misunderstood. You don't add the column and cells with ";" then upload the list, you add the column and the semicolons then highlight the...Leia mais
aulicki on Julho 15, 2019
Right now, if you want to add multiple criteria from an Excel doc into a HubSpot smart list, you have to copy and paste them each separately. I would love the functionality to be able to copy and paste multiple cells from Excel into a smart list at Leia mais
58 avaliações positivas
30 Respostas
Julho 01, 2021
I think you misunderstood. You don't add the column and cells with ";" then upload the list, you add the column and the semicolons then highlight the...Leia mais
GreggPTX on Junho 02, 2020
Hi all, I'm fairly experienced with HTML and web design, but kind of lost when it comes to CSS stuff and the like, so please be patient and use small words <snicker>. I am fine with editing and tweaking CSS, but tracking down specific issu Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Junho 03, 2020
That did the trick -- thanks for helping me track it down! Gregg
GreggPTX on Junho 02, 2020
Hi all, I'm fairly experienced with HTML and web design, but kind of lost when it comes to CSS stuff and the like, so please be patient and use small words <snicker>. I am fine with editing and tweaking CSS, but tracking down specific issu Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Junho 03, 2020
That did the trick -- thanks for helping me track it down! Gregg
GreggPTX on Junho 02, 2020
Hi all, I'm fairly experienced with HTML and web design, but kind of lost when it comes to CSS stuff and the like, so please be patient and use small words <snicker>. I am fine with editing and tweaking CSS, but tracking down specific issu Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Junho 03, 2020
That did the trick -- thanks for helping me track it down! Gregg
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