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Stacy Wood

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Herschel on Mai 09, 2019
Issue: Tickets Owner and associated Conversation Assignee are not linked. Use Case: Our support team rotates who is on call. Whoever is on call during a specified period of time will answer incoming client issues for that period. To facilitate t Beitrag ansehen
Mai 27, 2022
The sooner the better on this one... Our reps are having to manually assign the conversations to themselves when the ticket is automatically don...Beitrag ansehen
swooddesign on April 29, 2022
Working on an NPS survey and created some great animated gifs to display in the Thank you portion. Needless to say after uploading them to the file manager I found out that gifs are not supported. I feel like this is an easy fix and would make these Beitrag ansehen
swooddesign on Februar 09, 2022
My company often shares deal sheets in a website pop-up, but currently, there is no way to measure how many people viewing the pop-up have clicked on the deal. In turn, we are unable to measure the success of our efforts. Can we please have this Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
Snaedis on September 07, 2020
There have been a number of different posts in the Community which are about the same core need (customizing the styling of the knowledge base), but many have been marked as "solved" or "delivered" because of options that get you part-way there. I'm Beitrag ansehen
März 19, 2021
I just launched HubSpot Service and the Knowledge Base recently and I am so upset at the lack of customization. I can't even change the fonts or anyt...Beitrag ansehen
mphnyc on Juni 22, 2017
Would be good if the same HS Marketing functionality for a deafult value for something like First Name and Compan Name was available in the HubSpot Sales Template feature. Right now, there is no way to set a default fallback value for tokens.
31 Antworten
April 18, 2019
This is so frustrating! I just told my sales team that this was possible, because why wouldn't it be, only to discover it is not. Doesn't make mu...Beitrag ansehen
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