
Member since ‎Jun 4, 2018
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Kate Pidgeon

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akash on February 15, 2017
There should be an option to sort smart lists by when a contact was added to the list. For example, I have a smart list of people who visited a specific page of our website in the last 7 days. I now ideally want to reach out to them persona read more
60 Replies
February 23, 2024
I think I'm seeing a bug with this - I've built a list and edited the columns to show the values I want, including removing the 'Added to List Date' more
Dan_Alyka on December 17, 2019
Idea has also been presented here: But also, a reverse timeline would be another option wherby the first activity is seen first, read more
February 16, 2024
Upvoting this - we waste so much time scrolling.. waiting for next batch of activities to load... scrolling more... just to see the start of someone' more
rizq786 on September 01, 2023
This was a neat feature that could assess how records are moving through a nurture sequence and now that has been replace with Active contacts in this action without giving me the number in that delay, when you click it just shows a list of the read more
6 Replies
September 05, 2023
Totally agree - came here looking to see why this has changed to be *less* useful - it's now impossible to see where the majority of contacts are. more
hubspot_user2 on April 20, 2021
I would like the ability to create a list of deals and be able to choose the deal properties for an export. I can create lists of deals at this time but they are contact-centric rather than deal-centric. So, for instance, I can create a list of Clos read more
13 Replies
July 18, 2023
Adding support for this - I want to be able to add deals to a list with a (deal-based) workflow, seems crazy that I can't do this. We often have more
KatePidgeon on March 24, 2023
It would be really useful to be able to copy all or part of the AI suggestions and paste alongside the original text but it doesn't seem to work right now. For example - if I want to combine my original paragraph with all or part of the suggesti read more
4 Replies
Jacob02 on April 01, 2021
Hi there, As a HubSpot user, I would like to analyse forms and their submission in the custom report builder . This was already possible in beta, but was unfortunately removed again upon release. Unfortunately, @JoeMayall 's solution to thi read more
April 01, 2022
Agreed too - we really need to be able to report by form submission, so for instance building a report in the custom builder that shows anyone who more
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