
Member since ‎Jun 1, 2018
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T. van Nierop

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HappyChicken on September 12, 2024
Hi HubSpot team, I'm looking for a feature that allows the customization of line item properties in the quote editor. Currently, when our sales team adds line items to quotes, only two product properties are visible: Name and Price (see atta read more
FernandoVW on February 16, 2022
We have several types of partner (premium, standard dealers...) which have different discount levels (in %). These discounts are per line item. It would be very useful to be able to associate a discount % to a specific company and that this is auto read more
8 Replies
August 17, 2023
Hey HubSpot team and fellow users, I'm wondering if there's a way to automatically apply specific discounts to products in the product library more
HappyChicken on March 17, 2023
When I use the Expand function on a relatively short piece of text, I still don't find the output super valuable. The Assistant then seems to be hallucinating / making things up as it goes along. On larger pieces of text, it works much better. Per read more
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SéverineB on March 14, 2023
As a swiss company we use 3 different languages on our website and would be great if we could switch languages of the output. Or even better, if the CAT would recognize the language of the page or of the text we're working on and change automaticall read more
7 Replies
March 14, 2023
Yes that would be a very nice feature. And how cool would it be if, when you make a change to a specific module in 1 language, you then get a more
HappyChicken on March 10, 2023
I miss the feature to link to an anchor tag of Hubspot content. Now I have to create an anchor tag and then link to an external link and then use the link including #anchortag. I suggest that you can just link to content (website pages, blog pa read more
HappyChicken on May 25, 2022
Hi fellow Hubspot fans! We have recently installed the (full) Teams integration in Hubspot. I'm missing a feature: I would like to be able to send a direct notification to a specific colleague in Teams via a workflow. So not to the general Teams read more
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