
Member since ‎May 30, 2018
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Lindsey White

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lrn24 on August 15, 2023
We have a round-robin meeting scheduler for calls with our sales reps. In September, we are hosting a conference and would like the ability for our reps to meet with folks in-person during the event, so we plan to make a separate meeting scheduler f read more
0 upvote
1 Reply
WWT-Elisa on May 16, 2022
This feature is for the company to survey customers based on a criteria of questions specific to their selection. Being able to use a similar 'progressive field' logic to the forms in a survey will allow for our customers to only answer questions r read more
4 Replies
April 24, 2023
This is needed!
James-Preseem on September 17, 2020
Customer Support Survey Today: 1 survey No control over content of survey (type, wording, measurement, etc...) Recipients based on pipeline(s) Event driven based on status change from an open status to any closed status No option to suppress read more
12 Replies
August 03, 2022
We definitely need more customization. I'd love the ability to customize the question on the NPS survey. The way it currently reads is a bit clunky, more
jknye07 on March 10, 2020
I use HubSpots workflows a ton and viewing their success/failures more easily, like in a dashboard, would be great. I have MQL and SQL workflows that run regularly and also create them for large events we exhibit at and it would be great to more rea read more
79 Replies
February 03, 2022
This is absolutely necessary. We use workflows to nurture prospects towards scheduling a call with our Sales team. I need an easy way to track how more
lrn24 on January 31, 2022
We have a handful of email nurture series that are set up via workflows. I'm looking to create an email metric dashboard for each of them. I'm able to easily pull open rate, CTR, etc, but I'm looking for a way to pull conversion rate from each of th read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
February 01, 2022
Thanks, Karsten! The emails are all tied to a campaign and I was able to create a dashboard yesterday using these steps, however, the conversion more
lrn24 on January 31, 2022
We have a handful of email nurture series that are set up via workflows. I'm looking to create an email metric dashboard for each of them. I'm able to easily pull open rate, CTR, etc, but I'm looking for a way to pull conversion rate from each of th read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
February 01, 2022
Thanks, Karsten! The emails are all tied to a campaign and I was able to create a dashboard yesterday using these steps, however, the conversion more
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