
Member since ‎Aug 31, 2023
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Senal Sapuvida

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Senal_Sapuvida on September 26, 2023
I was about to do the exam and when I clicked "start exam", it said the time is up in like 1 second. I didn't even get to answer the first question. After 12 hours, I tried again, but didn't work.I tried clearing my browsing data and cache, but it read more
Senal_Sapuvida on September 25, 2023
Hello. I was about to do the exam for email marketing, but the instant I clicked start exam, it said the exam is over and score is 0/60. I waited 12 hours again and tried again, but I didn't even get to answer any questions, because it said the exam read more
September 26, 2023
Hello @NicoleJ . I tried both methods, but the exam still went off in an instant. It keeps saying time is up in a second even before I get to more
Senal_Sapuvida on September 25, 2023
Hello. I was about to do the exam for email marketing, but the instant I clicked start exam, it said the exam is over and score is 0/60. I waited 12 hours again and tried again, but I didn't even get to answer any questions, because it said the exam read more
September 26, 2023
Hello @NicoleJ . I tried both methods, but the exam still went off in an instant. It keeps saying time is up in a second even before I get to more
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