
Member since ‎Aug 29, 2023
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Rob Hayden

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DZahner on August 21, 2023
flight booked, hotel booked, ticket order fell through. anyone have a ticket i can buy?
5 Replies
August 31, 2023
I have GA if you get stuck.
RAli47 on August 23, 2023
Waited too long to buy the ticket. If you're looking to sell yours, please contact me! *fingers crossed*
0 upvote
19 Replies
August 30, 2023
Hi there, we were supposed to travel from New Zealand and cannot make it now last minute, unfortunately. We have up to 5 General Addmision tickets more
DZahner on August 21, 2023
flight booked, hotel booked, ticket order fell through. anyone have a ticket i can buy?
5 Replies
August 31, 2023
I have GA if you get stuck.
JSNHR on August 29, 2023
Hi everyone, I had a massive lapse in judgement and incorrectly thought I had grabbed my ticket a while ago and just verified I in fact did not. Doe anyone have an additional ticket for sale? Thanks!
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 29, 2023
Hi there, we were supposed to travel from New Zealand and cannot make it now last minute, unfortunately. We have up to 5 tickets available. Thanks
JSNHR on August 29, 2023
Hi everyone, I had a massive lapse in judgement and incorrectly thought I had grabbed my ticket a while ago and just verified I in fact did not. Doe anyone have an additional ticket for sale? Thanks!
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 29, 2023
Hi there, we were supposed to travel from New Zealand and cannot make it now last minute, unfortunately. We have up to 5 tickets available. Thanks
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