
Member since ‎May 25, 2018
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Bryan Lung

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August 28, 2018
@sam_cibelli I have been informed quite some time ago that we are now able to do this.
blugn on August 17, 2018
I would simply like a way to report on who and when someone created a deal. I would like to see a graph or chart that can be refined by month, deal type, and deal creator. This would make reporting and managing the progress of business development r read more
blugn on August 17, 2018
Fairly simple, I would like for the CRM to randomly select an agent when a deal is created . As far as I can tell there is no way to do that. I know I can automate the deal stage to assign an owner but it only allows me to select one person. read more
August 15, 2018
Let's do this !!!
June 19, 2018
Whoa, it's been nearly TWO years and this still hasnt been done? THIS IS BIZARRE. Whats going on over there? How could you not see the value in more
May 25, 2018
How in the world is this NOT a feature already? I have to leave the CRM to set up meetings?
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