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Nina Stevens

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kpapajanis on Dezember 03, 2019
Hi, I think your team is on the right track adding a Task Priority option. Now all you need to do is allow us to customize the selections there. Perhaps it could be capped at 5 options to avoid clutter, but there must be more then "high". Beitrag ansehen
89 Antworten
September 17, 2021
Just seen this post which we may all have missed! Fill out that survey guys 🙂 We need this sorted Hello HubSpot Community, We are looking fo...Beitrag ansehen
kpapajanis on Dezember 03, 2019
Hi, I think your team is on the right track adding a Task Priority option. Now all you need to do is allow us to customize the selections there. Perhaps it could be capped at 5 options to avoid clutter, but there must be more then "high". Beitrag ansehen
89 Antworten
September 17, 2021
Just seen this post which we may all have missed! Fill out that survey guys 🙂 We need this sorted Hello HubSpot Community, We are looking fo...Beitrag ansehen
ninastevens1303 on Oktober 09, 2020
I came across this restriction when trying to create workflows for specific website page visits. I wanted to send automated emails to contacts who had not completed a form in relation to visiting the specific page. Like a reminder to them to see if Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 116 votes. Right now, only forms on landing pages can be assigned to a HubSpot campaign. However, we have forms embedded on our website's pages that are campaign-specific and not HS landing pages. T Beitrag ansehen
83 Antworten
Dezember 10, 2019
I know you can link CTAs and landing pages to campaigns, but in our case our website is WP and we put HubSpot forms for campaigns on our website, not...Beitrag ansehen
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