
Member since ‎May 23, 2018
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Sal Graci

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Champion on July 11, 2021
Analysis starts with first accepting that perfection is not the goal. Emails might underperform, and that’s okay! When you’re doing consistent analysis, you can work toward improving and providing the most valuable experience for your contacts. Kee read more
448 Replies
July 12, 2021
Consistent email list growth.
sgraci on December 01, 2020
There should really be a native way to export the contact activity history in bulk to a CSV or excel file similar to other Hubspot fields. This would be a great way to organized and filter the user history for personalized marketing emails and workf read more
December 21, 2020
Thank you John, thank you very much for taking the time to research and share this information. I will look into and see if it is something that more
sgraci on December 01, 2020
There should really be a native way to export the contact activity history in bulk to a CSV or excel file similar to other Hubspot fields. This would be a great way to organized and filter the user history for personalized marketing emails and workf read more
December 21, 2020
Thank you John, thank you very much for taking the time to research and share this information. I will look into and see if it is something that more
taylorfriss on July 11, 2017
We just switched over to HubSpot from Salesforce and are trying to do an audit on which properties we have - so we can find duplicates and either merge or delete them. It would be great if we could export all existing Properties in our system with t read more
April 30, 2019
This would be extremely helpful with the API. Please make it happen!
BrianDunn on February 13, 2017
My idea is to grant users the ability to set-up "structured data" on blog posts to help with SEO. Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Microdata is one form of read more
80 Replies
July 10, 2018
Hey everyone, would love to see this features as well. Would be huge especially for mobile first and amp pages.
fadi on September 18, 2017
As of Sep-7 2017, Google announced that they will be rolling out AMP for landing pages (specifically for AdWords). The current AMP feature is working with the Blog, it would be great to see this available for landing pages. Cheers Fa read more
May 23, 2018
Expanding AMP capability to landing pages and/or website pages would be extremely helpful and a great idea!
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