
Member since ‎Aug 23, 2023
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Joseph Zanette

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nbradshaw on September 30, 2020
LinkedIn Events offers a super low friction way for leads to register for events, but there doesn't appear to be any way to sync that data with Hubspot. Please include LinkedIn Events data in the LinkedIn integrations offering!
41 Replies
February 08, 2024
Having the same issue. Please implement this integration
ABoa on September 12, 2023
Hi! I am currently trying to build a dashboard for our marketing and sales departments depicting the cost per booked meeting filtered by our ads/UTM´s. (So I can see which ads generate the most booked meetings and what these meetings cost per a read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
November 10, 2023
I am looking for the exact same functionality/reporting. Following
fmacpherson on June 30, 2017
HubSpot doesn't have the ability to revert the Lifecycle Stage to Lead for Opportunities that have been Closed Lost. If a contact is associated with a Company where there has previously been an Opportunity which was lost, that contact's Lifecycle read more
17 Replies
October 12, 2023
Wow more than 6 years and still nothing from HubSpot on this. Leaving comment for notifications of any possible fixes...
dailiuswilson on April 09, 2019
Many of my reps personalize sequences in advance with images. Right now there is now way to a) Copy and paste an image inside a sequence b) Add an image via the button in the footer like you would for a canned template Do we have any updat read more
22 Replies
September 19, 2023
My reps are all asking for this feature as well. Again, seems like something very basic. Please add this feature
hroberts on July 23, 2019
While the Meetings tool offers the ability to send contacts reminder emails for meetings they book with the user, there is currently nowhere to configure reminder emails for meetings that are booked directly through the CRM by the user. From @Sama read more
63 Replies
September 18, 2023
Please add this feature
Salehish on October 31, 2019
It would be great if you could set conditional properties for contacts and companies. For instance "if XX property is set to XX, then show XYZ properties in the about view as well". This is needed as we have different types of customers who each hav read more
41 Replies
September 14, 2023
Hi Rachel! Thanks so much for reaching out with this information. I'm super happy to see that these features are being worked on!! I would more
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