
Member since ‎Aug 22, 2023
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Jay Dillon

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PMøller0 on January 07, 2022
This idea is related to adding tasks, calls and emails to a queue. Currently, when creating a task, you'll see the option to add the task to a queue: All good. However, when you log a call/email, this option does not appear: read more
1 Reply
November 27, 2024
Agree with this. Also when working through a queue of tasks; My expectation would be that when I tick the option to schedule a new task from a call/ more
AVara on October 11, 2021
The setting in the Automation section of sequences to unenroll contacts if they reply to an email is a far reaching setting. Especially when it can't be undone. If I have someone enrolled in a sequence for a free trial to receive daily tips & tr read more
18 Replies
April 18, 2024
Also upvoting to have the option to turn this funcationality off. It makes about as much sense as sequences 'from' email address being the more
Christine on June 26, 2020
Allow all super admins to change owner on email template. It's a simple idea. Someone who worked for our company 5 years ago and is no longer here owns the template. Just the appearance of his name as the owner can be a deterrant for other sales mem read more
40 Replies
February 06, 2024
Seriously, come on Hubspot team. Maybe less time on useless functionality like playbooks 🙄 and more time getting the basics right.
LHinton on June 27, 2022
There should be a function for when you want to send one-on-one emails that you can have them be from someone else's account even when you are the one sending them. For example, I logged emails last week for my CEO to approve and once she approved t read more
20 Replies
December 14, 2023
Yes, I require this funcationilty for my PA to respond as myself. 2FA means they are unable to login easily into my account.
Paula on September 02, 2022
We've requested Payments be made available in Australia, but only ever see statements like, "we can't guarantee when...". It's great that busnesses based in the US have been able to benefit with the use of this feature; don't you think it's time read more
9 Replies
August 22, 2023
Please make payments available in Australia. We are just like US but with less guns.
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