
Member since ‎May 18, 2018
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Amanda McIntosh

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keshav-hopstack on August 29, 2023
Hi all, I need some help with setting up a conditional redirect on my HubSpot embedded forms! Here's what our current code looks like: <link rel="stylesheet" href="Custom CSS File"> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" read more
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September 18, 2024
Where do you see that form data is only available in the onFormSubmit event? From the documentation more
JDow0 on October 12, 2023
We have used CTA legacy for years. We have depended upon the easy and quick export data function (gray box) to export a spreadsheet with basic data of the legacy CTAs: name of CTA, views, clicks etc... We have depended upon this function to easily t read more
2 Replies
January 04, 2024
Upvoting!! There are so many super valuable things we continue to be able to do with the legacy CTA tool - I'm really worried they are going to more
JamesW42 on November 01, 2022
I'd like to suggest that you provide developers with an API for controlling Hubspots iframe videos with Javascript. From what I gather, it was previously possible because Hubspot was using Vidyard. Here is a post from March 2022 explaining the pro read more
December 12, 2023
The PostMessage method definitely used to work - I had it implemented for several popups I wanted to autoplay across our website and you can see more
ZBlankenship on January 25, 2023
Can HubSpot please make it so that users can create custom reports based on form submissions? This seems to be a fairly popular request, with similar forums dating back to 2017 and would be incredibly beneficial. I'd like to create a report th read more
July 25, 2023
HubSpot intentionally broke the form analytics at the start of this year - absolutely wrecked our ability to track form performance. Here's a more
amcintosh on July 25, 2023
T he initial rollout was super exciting for us - we really, really love the drag and drop experiences for the inline CTA elements as well as the pop ups and slide ins. We had been talking about trying to integrate a third party tool for s read more
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PLindgren on June 13, 2023
Just wanted to highlight that I think that the reporting for form submissons in relation to conversion pages are a bit sub-par in some areas. When setting a form strategy where you reusing a single form on multiple landing and website pages you're u read more
2 Replies
June 14, 2023
Agreed!! You used to be able to do something similar before HubSpot crippled their form analytics - Here a couple of posts about the same issue for more
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