
Member since ‎Aug 17, 2023
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Tony Cable

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TCable on October 08, 2024
When in HubSpot and viewing emails, I can see the publish/send date in my view. When requesting this data via the API ( marketing/v3/emails) , this doesn't seem as straightforward. There is a Publish Date (publishDate) and a Send on Publish boolea read more
dennisedson on September 20, 2023
What’s changing? Up until now, a user could not set a contact property to be unique. Starting September 21st , we will begin rolling out the ability to set new contact properties to be unique. Why is this changing? Histori read more
September 25, 2023
Today is September 25th and I still the message that this is not available for contacts. Do I need to do anything to activate this change?
KristofKipp on May 12, 2022
A small request for the API-Team: I'd love to have some more control over Contact-Lists via API Calls. Currently I can only create new Lists that reside in the root folder of all Contact-Lists ( `objectLists/folders?folderId=0`). What I specific read more
4 Replies
August 18, 2023
I was able to find a way to create a contact list directly into a pre-created folder in HubSpot. Here is what I used, where parentId is the folder more
mo2266 on August 11, 2020
Hello, When creating or updating a contact list through the APIs there is no way to set the folder (attribute looks to be parentId) that the list should be created in/moved to. It would be very helpful if the lists that we generate/modify via read more
6 Replies
August 18, 2023
I was able to find a way to create a contact list directly into a pre-created folder in HubSpot. Here is what I used, where parentId is the folder more
mo2266 on August 11, 2020
Hello, When creating or updating a contact list through the APIs there is no way to set the folder (attribute looks to be parentId) that the list should be created in/moved to. It would be very helpful if the lists that we generate/modify via read more
6 Replies
August 18, 2023
I was able to find a way to create a contact list directly into a pre-created folder in HubSpot. Here is what I used, where parentId is the folder more
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