
Member since ‎May 17, 2018
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Ace Shuster

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Ace123 on August 07, 2023
Hi Everyone. We are working on a private app integration. I'm needing to create a deal property group for it, and also create about 150 properties.. is there a simple way to import the deal properties from a csv or similar or to i need to individu read more
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2 Replies
August 07, 2023
Thanks. i'll have a read through
Ace123 on August 07, 2023
Hi Everyone. We are working on a private app integration. I'm needing to create a deal property group for it, and also create about 150 properties.. is there a simple way to import the deal properties from a csv or similar or to i need to individu read more
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2 Replies
August 07, 2023
Thanks. i'll have a read through
Ace123 on February 24, 2023
hi team. I'm wanting to create a list, on 12 month anniversary of deal, 24 month anniversary of deal and 36 month anniversary of deal. my thoughts were a list, where the close date is >364 and less than >366 to get some data, however it s read more
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2 Replies
February 24, 2023
thanks Karsten,Professional with workflows (this list will flow into a workflow reminder) i just realised i had them as 2 separate filters, not 2 more
Ace123 on February 24, 2023
hi team. I'm wanting to create a list, on 12 month anniversary of deal, 24 month anniversary of deal and 36 month anniversary of deal. my thoughts were a list, where the close date is >364 and less than >366 to get some data, however it s read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
February 24, 2023
thanks Karsten,Professional with workflows (this list will flow into a workflow reminder) i just realised i had them as 2 separate filters, not 2 more
Ace123 on June 23, 2022
hi team, wondering if anyone is experiencing similar issues / have come up with solutions. Our workforce currently use IPhones accross the team. 1/2 of our team are office based, and use DialPad for call logging and recording, which they ar read more
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1 Reply
Ace123 on April 21, 2021
Hi team, We have a number of 'sales teams' (Contact owners in teams) I'm wanting to create a dynamic list with certain paramters, including the team.. IE Create date before 01/01/2021 Team: Sales Retention can seem to locate the team unde read more
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2 Replies
April 21, 2021
hey all... working now! for some reason when i was searching for the property it wasn't here 🙂 thanks!!
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