
Member since ‎May 15, 2018
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Quaetapo -

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Michiel on June 07, 2017
HubSpot offers a lot of default property fields, but not all of them are relevant and useful for all users when creating new contacts or editing/adding data on existing contacts . There currently isn't a way to limit property access other th read more
33 Replies
February 24, 2019
In terms of limiting the properties that are viewable, we're currently investigating using Deals and Deal properties as a means of segmenting more
sundial_tf on August 14, 2017
As a marketing user I would like the ability to set a default value for a date picker field on a form, but currently I only have the ability to select a date, which will not change depending on the day. I would like to set it to Today's date read more
14 Replies
December 02, 2018
Yes please. Need this.
Michiel on June 07, 2017
HubSpot offers a lot of default property fields, but not all of them are relevant and useful for all users when creating new contacts or editing/adding data on existing contacts . There currently isn't a way to limit property access other th read more
33 Replies
February 24, 2019
In terms of limiting the properties that are viewable, we're currently investigating using Deals and Deal properties as a means of segmenting more
quaetapo on May 15, 2018
We would like to be able to limit who sees certain contacts and I'm wondering how to do this. For example, certain contacts have information that we don't want to be visible to all users, and we would like to segment those users so only authorised u read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
May 16, 2018
@MFJLabs Thanks Frank, appreciate the thought. Careful design required. 🙂
quaetapo on May 15, 2018
We would like to be able to limit who sees certain contacts and I'm wondering how to do this. For example, certain contacts have information that we don't want to be visible to all users, and we would like to segment those users so only authorised u read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
May 16, 2018
@MFJLabs Thanks Frank, appreciate the thought. Careful design required. 🙂
quaetapo on May 15, 2018
We would like to be able to limit who sees certain contacts and I'm wondering how to do this. For example, certain contacts have information that we don't want to be visible to all users, and we would like to segment those users so only authorised u read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
May 16, 2018
@MFJLabs Thanks Frank, appreciate the thought. Careful design required. 🙂
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