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Chris Ketelaar


cketelaar on Oktober 01, 2021
Hi all 🙂 Our IT-department manages all our user-accounts within the company tools via ADFS. Currently we don't have Hubspot connected for SSO to our ADFS environment (this requires the enterprise edition and for us that's too big a step. S Beitrag ansehen
bellawu on April 06, 2017
Include an option in workflows to delete a contact. So if they meet the criteria to be entered into the workflow, it would then delete them from our database entirely. This would be helpful for those who come to our site and fill out forms with i Beitrag ansehen
72 Antworten
Juni 11, 2021
Here is why we want to automate deleting contacts via a workflow (but can't) GDPR laws require us to determine how long customer data or contact ...Beitrag ansehen
cketelaar on Januar 16, 2020
Hi, the deal amount can automatically be based on the (recurring) pricing of products in the product library as they are added to a deal. However; - you can't select the amount to be calculated for the entire deal or for more than 3 ye Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 16, 2020
@mark_poyser @MissTipsi exactly!
snedyavila on Juli 04, 2018
*Submitting on behalf of customer* Tickets are a great way of managing customer support/services. However, it would be helpful to allow for the automatic reopening of closed tickets that receive a reply from the customer. Currently when a ti Beitrag ansehen
32 Antworten
Oktober 02, 2020
To me this makes sense. when a customer responds, this automatically means he/she has additional information. So the ticket should re-open. Now, ...Beitrag ansehen
abowman3d on April 25, 2017
Please upvote this idea! Current Hubspot scoring is severally lacking compared to its competitors. Hubspots scoring issues are so large that I would strongly warn anyone from choosing Hubspot until they fixed how they score Contacts. 1.) All Beitrag ansehen
144 Antworten
September 22, 2020
as our approach to inbound marketing is evolving, so is our lead scoring mechanism. However, the updated lead scoring property results in a lot of co...Beitrag ansehen
hannahflat on September 10, 2020
Being able to pin different views is really helpful, but it would be great to be able to pin more than 5. We filter our customers in various ways and then our prospects too and it would be great for our team to be able to pin all the views relevant Beitrag ansehen
18 Antworten
September 22, 2020
I agree and would also like to be able to pin more than 5 views! For an overview of the marketing and sales process As a marketer, I would like ...Beitrag ansehen
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