
Miembro desde ‎may 11, 2018
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Brandon Stewart

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Julio 23, 2020
Hi @kmendes, I'd love to hear your high-level, post-send routine to review performance, update lists, and optimize for the next campaign. In ...Leer más
Julio 14, 2020
We have successfully implemented this for an internal blog and it appears to work pretty well: más
Junio 11, 2020
Thanks, @maggiebomze . I can see how the tracked document idea could suffice. But at the end of the day, this is about looking for ways to save ...Leer más
Junio 09, 2020
Thanks for confirming, @Bryantworks . You are also correct that the only way to fix this (removing the products from the deals, then re-adding) ...Leer más
brndnstwrt en Junio 04, 2020
If we understand this correctly, once you have associated a product to a deal, it will not be affected if you later change that product in the product library. Is that correct and intentional behavior? So if, say, I want to change the name o Leer más
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brndnstwrt en Junio 04, 2020
Many sales people like to give options or upsale opportunities in a quote. Say you get asked to quote for a laptop, and you want to include not only the low-, medium- and high-end options, but also prices for a mouse, keyboard, and case. Is there an Leer más
7 Me gusta
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