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Andrew Spiering

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JBoger on Oktober 25, 2023
It would be nice to have the ability to import call recordings from other systems into HubSpot to add to coaching playlists. A majority of our phone calls are done through an external phone system. These call recordings are not available to be add Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Februar 05, 2024
Importing calls, in general, would be great! We lost our zoom connection for over a month, so we lost a month of call data. An import feature sure wo...Beitrag ansehen
drewspi on August 23, 2023
I left a comment on a teammates call earlier this month. I wanted to reference the comment and didn't remember the title of the meeting/call. What's the best way for me to find it, other than searching through the long list of all recent calls? Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
drewspi on Juni 28, 2022
It would be handy to edit the meeting outcome and type from the meeting log without having to click Activity > Edit. Maybe a simple drop down option?
drewspi on August 13, 2020
I don't know. Let me take 5-7 clicks to find that out for you. Here's Camila showing me where I can find the user that created the deal record: Wouldn't it be Beitrag ansehen
drewspi on August 13, 2020
Once upon a time there was a handy little filter called, "Created by user ID" that has mysteriously dissappeared. Though tracking down the User ID took some digging, it allowed us to generate a deal report by the user that created deals on a monthly Beitrag ansehen
JimmyLees on Mai 08, 2017
Hi There, This might be very simple but I want a notification to be emailed to the sales team when a deal is changed to closed won. How do I set this up? Thanks in advance.
8 Antworten
Dezember 31, 2019
Look @HubSpotMaster (adam sharrow) for dropping some workflow knowledge!
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