
Member since ‎Aug 2, 2023
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Bailey Adair

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BAdair7 on November 08, 2024
We have alot resources available for people to download from our website. Everyone is gated by a form submission that redirects to thank you landing page where they click to download the resource file which opens in a separate tab. We would lik read more
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fkistner on January 14, 2019
Hi world, I am creating a page with boxes of text each describing a service. Here, check it out: (the boxes start about halfway down the page) I have more text I need to add read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
July 07, 2024
How did you figure this out? We are running into the same issue, but for bios of our team members on the About Us page
drosenbaum on April 14, 2023
Posting this on behalf of many Customers who have requested this. Often times people buy HS for a brand and it goes so well that the parent company wants to adopt the use of HS too. This is great except for the fact when its decided they need to use read more
3 Replies
July 05, 2024
This is exactly what we need right now. We're splitting our company up into multiple entities and the new business unit need to be thr primary one more
BAdair7 on March 06, 2024
I can't find the email because I deleted it, but it's still sending to our contacts. I need it to stop sending ASAP. Any ideas?
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BAdair7 on February 14, 2024
We are setting up business units - As I understand it, each business unit will need its own brand domain...For now, all our employees will have access to all businees units. Will they be able to continue using the email domain they currently use und read more
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3 Replies
February 15, 2024
That's super helfpul. Thank you @Jnix284 Raises more questions. Let's say I want to keep all of the sender domains as they currently are which more
BAdair7 on February 14, 2024
We are setting up business units - As I understand it, each business unit will need its own brand domain...For now, all our employees will have access to all businees units. Will they be able to continue using the email domain they currently use und read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
February 15, 2024
That's super helfpul. Thank you @Jnix284 Raises more questions. Let's say I want to keep all of the sender domains as they currently are which more
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