
Member since ‎May 7, 2018
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wds9000 on September 23, 2018
My Chrome extension has been working fine the past few weeks, except today I notice the extension doesn't seem to exist anymore. I don't even see an area for extension settings in the Chrome browser settings so not sure how to check and see if it is read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
September 25, 2018
I found it was corrupted and needed to be repaired. There was a repair option displayed, I selected it it, and within moments it was working again. more
wds9000 on September 23, 2018
My Chrome extension has been working fine the past few weeks, except today I notice the extension doesn't seem to exist anymore. I don't even see an area for extension settings in the Chrome browser settings so not sure how to check and see if it is read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
September 25, 2018
I found it was corrupted and needed to be repaired. There was a repair option displayed, I selected it it, and within moments it was working again. more
wds9000 on September 16, 2018
I use Hubspot free CRM to keep track of certain restaurants for services I market to them. Currently I have been creating a Company record for each restaturant, including creating a separate Company record when they have more than one location. I th read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
wds9000 on August 29, 2018
I am using the Chrome extension connected to my Gmail to log and track emails with my Hubspot Contacts. I'd like to turn off the desktop pop-up notifications but don't see how to do this.
0 upvote
14 Replies
September 06, 2018
Hi Again @jennysowyrda Sorry, now confused once again. I am looking at your screenshot and can't find that Notifications setting. I am using more
wds9000 on August 29, 2018
I am using the Chrome extension connected to my Gmail to log and track emails with my Hubspot Contacts. I'd like to turn off the desktop pop-up notifications but don't see how to do this.
0 upvote
14 Replies
September 06, 2018
Hi Again @jennysowyrda Sorry, now confused once again. I am looking at your screenshot and can't find that Notifications setting. I am using more
wds9000 on August 29, 2018
I am using the Chrome extension connected to my Gmail to log and track emails with my Hubspot Contacts. I'd like to turn off the desktop pop-up notifications but don't see how to do this.
0 upvote
14 Replies
September 06, 2018
Hi Again @jennysowyrda Sorry, now confused once again. I am looking at your screenshot and can't find that Notifications setting. I am using more
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