
Member since ‎Aug 1, 2023
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David Bitton

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CodyDuda on August 12, 2020
If we set up a workflow for a temporary period, like a sale or promo, it would be great to set an expiration date so the workflow will shut off automatically and messages do not continue to send past the expiration of the offer period. For conte read more
23 Replies
December 07, 2023
We figured out a workaround in the meantime. for the entry rules, just add "Contact Create Date is before today" so no new contacts in the more
AStoyanov on October 07, 2022
Hello community, I am having an issue. I am trying to bulk opt-out manually contacts from all subscription types and update the default field "Unsubscribed from all email" so it's synced with SalesForce, but when I opt them out from Contacts &g read more
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8 Replies
September 27, 2023
Have the same issue. Following.
Romulus on January 23, 2022
Hi! We just started sending marketing email in Hubspot, but when I send mails to i mostly get these two problems: SpamAssassin thinks you can improve/ -0.249 HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINSFrom and EnvelopeFrom 2nd level mail d read more
August 28, 2023
We have the exact same issue and haven't been able to resolve it either. Has anyone figured out a solution for this?
CodyDuda on August 12, 2020
If we set up a workflow for a temporary period, like a sale or promo, it would be great to set an expiration date so the workflow will shut off automatically and messages do not continue to send past the expiration of the offer period. For conte read more
23 Replies
December 07, 2023
We figured out a workaround in the meantime. for the entry rules, just add "Contact Create Date is before today" so no new contacts in the more
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