
Member since ‎May 4, 2018
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Christopher Largent

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HMI_Incentives on March 02, 2022
Hi, not sure if this is just me. I find the wording for the new setting about including empty property values in lists confusing. For instance, in the attached screenshot. When I am using the "none of" filter, I'd expect that I would be excludi read more
5 Replies
January 15, 2024
Lisa-Hubcap, that was my reading of it as well. I agree with your suggestion for choice of language.
DMcCarthy on October 13, 2021
Currently only contacts can be re-enrolled in a workflow based on list membership. I have many company lists in which list membership is the enrollment trigger, but cannot be used for re-enrollment. It's my understanding then that the company w read more
10 Replies
October 26, 2023
This not being available is making our lifecycle stage tracking very difficult. Would love for this to be implemented
HMI_Incentives on March 02, 2022
Hi, not sure if this is just me. I find the wording for the new setting about including empty property values in lists confusing. For instance, in the attached screenshot. When I am using the "none of" filter, I'd expect that I would be excludi read more
5 Replies
January 15, 2024
Lisa-Hubcap, that was my reading of it as well. I agree with your suggestion for choice of language.
HMI_Incentives on August 25, 2021
It would be great to be able to download list performance data, including dates, numbers of list members, etc. For instance, I'm looking at creating a trajetary line between two dates and then comparing it to two earlier dates. This would help me sh read more
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