
Member since ‎Jul 26, 2023
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Abby Carbonneau

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acarbonneau on November 21, 2024
Ability to have dynamic access to custom properties. Currently, when creating a custom property, you can set specific users or teams to have access to the fields, but having a dynamic option based on the deal owner would be helpful. Ex. - Property read more
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acarbonneau on November 21, 2024
We created a deal property (field type upload) where the deal owner uploads the executed contract after a deal has been won. Is it possible to make the access to this field dynamic based on the deal owner? I know I can select specific users or team read more
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acarbonneau on March 21, 2024
Does anyone have a solution for showing details about tasks in the deal view? Our team would love to be able to look at their list of deals and have a column that shows the due date of the next task associated to that deal.   Something like this: read more
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2 Replies
March 24, 2024
Thank you! Yes, the next activity date works well for this use case!
acarbonneau on March 21, 2024
Does anyone have a solution for showing details about tasks in the deal view? Our team would love to be able to look at their list of deals and have a column that shows the due date of the next task associated to that deal.   Something like this: read more
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2 Replies
March 24, 2024
Thank you! Yes, the next activity date works well for this use case!
mrprice on August 10, 2020
Is there a way to link one deal to another deal? We have a situation where a current deal is a follow-on to a previous deal and we'd like the ability to link those deals together.
10 Replies
October 19, 2023
Does this only work with contacts or can deals be associated with other deals?
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