
Member since ‎Jul 25, 2023
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Ben Hydrean

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BHydrean on July 25, 2023
Hi, My Sales Team and I have been merging companies that have a relationship instead of adding Parent and Child Companies. We assumed by merging 2 companies with different domains would block both of those domains from being able to be added se read more
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4 Replies
JKaufman on April 26, 2023
Hi! When going through my data in Hubspot, I sometimes find multiple companies with the same domain name that Hubspot is not catching as being duplicates. I want to make sure that when new contacts are uploaded (or companies) - that the upl read more
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12 Replies
July 25, 2023
Hi, What if I merge 2 related companies with different domains together ? Is there a way to set it that secondary company in the merge cannot more
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