
Member since ‎Jul 24, 2023
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ASib14 on August 22, 2022
Hi, i'm new to using CRM with outlook. All emails are sent from outlook and as a small company we always include each other in cc or bcc. I've noticed that Hubspot only seems to show our own company ID on the right hand side Hubspot Sales window. It read more
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2 Replies
June 26, 2024
Hi, can I also stop generally the logging of mailadresses, that are in CC? Thank you!
HelenPantel on March 23, 2023
Currently we cannot select or reference meeting attendees in reporting. This would be a very important feature for reporting on sales activities. As several salespeople can attend the same meeting, we're currently unable to accurately report on read more
44 Replies
November 09, 2023
it would be a great progress regarding the onboarding of new sales people who are together in meetings with a client
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