
Member since ‎Jul 21, 2023
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George Taylor

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GTaylor3 on July 01, 2024
We have a hubspot website, trying to view user journeys via a funnel/path view - similar to GA user behaviour flow. e.g first page seen > 2nd page > 3rd page etc. Anyone know where this is? Found a 3rd part blog article dated Jun 24 sayi read more
GTaylor3 on November 27, 2023
Tring to clone a module and getting this error....any advice?
meganatorlo on January 09, 2020
Please could we have the ability to set goals against LifeCycle stages, for example MQL's, since we are targetted on how many we generate and it would be fantastic to be able to see reports against this target. Also, the sales team are also t read more
July 21, 2023
Needed!!! Has this thread gone anywhere?!
GTaylor3 on July 21, 2023
Hello community, hoping someone has a smart answer for me! Trying to create v simple number of leads vs target tracker. All leads (measure by became a lead date) in any given month vs a target. e.g this year we want 10,000 leads, where are we at read more
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