
Member since ‎Jul 20, 2023
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Dhivya Ganasan

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DGanasan on February 25, 2024
Hi HubSpot, Can you help me transfer my certificate from my old email: to new: ? Thanks
DGanasan on December 20, 2023
Hi HubSpot, I recently created a custom website activity property (latest source drill down 2) & created a workflow to copy contact property (latest source drill down 2) to the custom property for every website activity record created. For read more
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3 Replies
December 20, 2023
Hi Karsten, Thats alright. i have figured out the solution. Rather than using the action 'copy property', i used 'set property' and that did more
DGanasan on December 20, 2023
Hi HubSpot, I recently created a custom website activity property (latest source drill down 2) & created a workflow to copy contact property (latest source drill down 2) to the custom property for every website activity record created. For read more
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3 Replies
December 20, 2023
Hi Karsten, Thats alright. i have figured out the solution. Rather than using the action 'copy property', i used 'set property' and that did more
DGanasan on December 12, 2023
Hi HubSpot, I have created 2 versions of CTA for my AB test email. In this case, i have 3 AB test emails that i want to use both these CTA. While i have created tracking URL for both links, my question is whether i need to clone the CTA for eac read more
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4 Replies
December 12, 2023
Hi Karsten, What i want to test is which is a better performing CTA (i.e who clicked on the most CTA & how many submitted a form from that more
DGanasan on December 12, 2023
Hi HubSpot, I have created 2 versions of CTA for my AB test email. In this case, i have 3 AB test emails that i want to use both these CTA. While i have created tracking URL for both links, my question is whether i need to clone the CTA for eac read more
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4 Replies
December 12, 2023
Hi Karsten, What i want to test is which is a better performing CTA (i.e who clicked on the most CTA & how many submitted a form from that more
DGanasan on December 11, 2023
Hi HubSpot, I am trying to clean my company records as there are many duplicates due to company subdomain names. My thought was to export the company records, delete all records and import a clean version of company records to HubSpot. My conce read more
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