
Member since ‎Jul 18, 2023
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Craig Agutter

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CAnderson87 on April 25, 2023
This is a two-for-one idea. First, ideally searching would open a search window that could be recalled once clicking away by using the browser's back button. Second, the search results would be a customizable table or card view. As a read more
September 06, 2023
100% agree with all the comments above - this drives me mad about HubSpot currently, as have previously taken this for granted in a previous more
johnlimcy on August 14, 2023
Target scenario: 1. User can only view, edit and delete Owned Contacts AND 2. View other contacts when he/she searches contact's email / phone number Rationale: I am sales manager, and want to avoid scenario of salesperson A viewing and cont read more
September 06, 2023
This would be incredibly helpful for our sales teams too and reduce duplication at source
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