
Member since ‎Jul 17, 2023
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Karthik Malaiyappan

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KMalaiyappan on July 27, 2023
Passing deal ID I am getting the association of the company. I have scenario where deal (1A) associated with a company(A) and the association removed from deal (1A). The updatedAt field belongs to the deal is not updated with new datetime. On th read more
PowerMyAnalytic on June 10, 2020
For 2 of my clients the request of search deals is getting error "There was a problem with the request". Both have the contacts scope and I don't think that it is a problem with the limit of 10,000 items, because it faild right away without ma read more
7 Replies
July 20, 2023
The search endpoints are limited to 10,000 total results for any given query. Attempting to page beyond 10,000 will result in a 400 error. URL: more
KMalaiyappan on July 19, 2023
Thru API call deal data has pulled and I some the deal has dealstage description of interger values like (139921,139925) I would be expecting it to be like (closedwon, closedlost) what those integer deal stage mean?
KMalaiyappan on July 17, 2023
I am in a process of creating pipeline to pull deals and companies record. I designed a API which pulls the whole deal data every time I hit. Now I looking for a solution where I slice it down to pull only incremental data thru API call. In other w read more
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2 Replies
July 19, 2023
Hi coldrickjack , Thanks for your reply!! But I am using REST API connector thru ADF for which I am looking for solution and your solution more
SSekela on May 31, 2022
Hi friends. I'm new to the Hubspot API's (and API processing in general). I was able to access a page of Deals using the version (v3) API. I successfully got a page of deals (ie 100) using BOTH of the following calls read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
July 17, 2023
url = ' ' headers = {'authorization':('Bearer '+ private_app_key)} params = {'archived': 'false', 'limit' more
KMalaiyappan on July 17, 2023
I am in a process of creating pipeline to pull deals and companies record. I designed a API which pulls the whole deal data every time I hit. Now I looking for a solution where I slice it down to pull only incremental data thru API call. In other w read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
July 19, 2023
Hi coldrickjack , Thanks for your reply!! But I am using REST API connector thru ADF for which I am looking for solution and your solution more
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