
Member since ‎Jul 14, 2023
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Fahad Waseem

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Alex94 on July 17, 2023
Hello everyone, I already posted the same thing about a year ago (see below) and wanted to ask if there are any solutions in HubSpot or third party solutions to the issue by now. We use Office365 and Outlook for emails. We've also already conn read more
August 01, 2023
The issue you are describing is that there is no synchronization between HubSpot Conversations and Outlook. This means that when you answer an email more
ToddSutt on June 24, 2022
Hi, my company just upgraded to Operations Hub Pro for programmable automation. Generically, I would really like a resource where I can look up what functions are available to me in the @hubspot /api-client npm library. In node docs, they have some read more
August 01, 2023
For searching through a custom object like "brands", you can utilize the searchApi function from the crm.objects module of the HubSpot API. This more
brittniefaulkne on August 11, 2022
Has anyone successfully created a webhook with ZoomInfo? I know ZoomInfo has their own Enrich module, and have heard they have a "block" on certain API's to try and get you to purchase the Enrich upgrade. We are currently evaluating the Ops Hub, an read more
July 31, 2023
If you are using HubSpot's Ops Hub, you can certainly enrich your data using ZoomInfo. An optimal place to start would be the readily available more
Fahadwaseem on July 14, 2023
I am currently working on a project where I am utilizing two custom objects in HubSpot and need to associate them programmatically via the API. The objects are named 'Households' and 'Financial Accounts'. My goal is to associate a financial account read more
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