
Member since ‎Jul 13, 2023
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Santoshi Gahlot

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SGahlot1 on February 22, 2024
Hey Team, We have Marketing Inbound workflow in place, which basically assigns the leads coming from Marketing or visits on our website to marketing Inbound team. Step 1 - we filter these leads based on domain Ids - Basically what leads we wan read more
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3 Replies
February 26, 2024
Hello Trevor, Thanks for your suggestions and the example workflow. The issue is There are multiple territories and for each territory we have more
SGahlot1 on February 22, 2024
Hey Team, We have Marketing Inbound workflow in place, which basically assigns the leads coming from Marketing or visits on our website to marketing Inbound team. Step 1 - we filter these leads based on domain Ids - Basically what leads we wan read more
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3 Replies
February 26, 2024
Hello Trevor, Thanks for your suggestions and the example workflow. The issue is There are multiple territories and for each territory we have more
SGahlot1 on November 20, 2023
Hello There, I am looking for some guidance on how to determine the factors that should be included in calcul ating the Deal Score and Deal Health metrics in order to effectively prioritize hig read more
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SGahlot1 on October 27, 2023
Hi There, I need to create a dashboard for CS team and need your suggestions and guidenance on what all different analyis or reports can I create that would help the CS team. - I need to create reports based on Email, call, meeting activities read more
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4 Replies
October 30, 2023
Dear Kristen, Thank you so very much for your recommendation on my first query, This helps for sure answering all my questions. please find my more
SGahlot1 on October 27, 2023
Hi There, I need to create a dashboard for CS team and need your suggestions and guidenance on what all different analyis or reports can I create that would help the CS team. - I need to create reports based on Email, call, meeting activities read more
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4 Replies
October 30, 2023
Dear Kristen, Thank you so very much for your recommendation on my first query, This helps for sure answering all my questions. please find my more
SGahlot1 on October 04, 2023
Hi There, One of the team member is sending out email to the client but even though she is selecting her email ID from the drop down the email is going through Help@ email id instead of her own. What could be the possible reason and how can i fi read more
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