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Trish Delude

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JMaylandOlsen on April 20, 2022
Currently the Hubspot goas module does not support: 1. Using team goals in reporting & forecasting 2. Creating and using sub-goals. However, it's quite common to: A. Want to report on overall revenue goal achievement in a fiscal year B. B Beitrag ansehen
60 Antworten
September 28, 2023
Our sales team works as a TEAM. Imporant for our business to be able to report on both indivual and team sales goals.
meganocolford on Oktober 18, 2019
We change Contact Owners as Contacts move through our Sales funnel. This means that at the point where the contact changes owner, there is no way for me to see reports based on how many of each owner's contacts are making this shift. It would be gr Beitrag ansehen
41 Antworten
September 25, 2023
Calculating our GDR (gross dollar retention) we need to know a company’s ARR as it was 365 days ago.
TDelude on August 29, 2023
Would love to do some math on the back of the Workflow "Copy Property" function. Use Case: Renewal Automation The renewal deal's "Agreement Start Date" property is a copy of the original deal's "Agrement End Date" property. However, it shou Beitrag ansehen
TDelude on August 29, 2023
I'd like to create a Deal property that automatically populates a Year (not full date). My use case is related to Renewals automation. When a "New Busienss" deal closes, we immediately create the renewal via Workflows. The naming convention Beitrag ansehen
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