
Member since ‎Jul 12, 2023
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Ryan Holstein

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CVillegasHak on January 06, 2021
I see numerous posts about this and ideas in the forums. While I know I can develop integrations left and right using the APIs and that there are other 3rd party workflow utilities out. Our users are adamant about using the internal tools and are si read more
8 Replies
August 14, 2023
This is awesome - do you by any chance have the rest of the screenshot. My workflow is continuing regardless of it it matches or not
RHolstein4 on August 14, 2023
I am trying to compare up to three fields in a deal object. I've seen some workarounds using Ops Hub but still need some guidance. Any ideas on how I can compare multiple fields and if they don't match send a notification?
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RHolstein4 on July 12, 2023
Hi there, I have my system set up that if a new row is added in googlesheets it creates the deal in Hubspot via Zapier. I then have a workflow in Hubspot that creates a property under a custom object I built in hubspot. I was wondering if th read more
July 13, 2023
Hi @franksteiner79 thanks for the reply! Every single deal is going to have a "Soda Brand" attached to it, so the idea behind having it be a more
RHolstein4 on July 12, 2023
Hi there, I have my system set up that if a new row is added in googlesheets it creates the deal in Hubspot via Zapier. I then have a workflow in Hubspot that creates a property under a custom object I built in hubspot. I was wondering if th read more
July 13, 2023
Hi @franksteiner79 thanks for the reply! Every single deal is going to have a "Soda Brand" attached to it, so the idea behind having it be a more
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