
Member since ‎Jul 12, 2023
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David Saucier

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DSaucier on October 26, 2023
Hello, I am looking to understand some reasons why a Salesforce Contact record would not sync to HubSpot and if there is a way to force a sync between the two systems so the HubSpot record gets created. The issue I am running into is a Contact rec read more
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6 Replies
October 29, 2023
The Custom Object in Salesforce is a related-object to the Contact that can have a 1-to-many relationship. The associations are defined and setup. more
DSaucier on October 26, 2023
Hello, I am looking to understand some reasons why a Salesforce Contact record would not sync to HubSpot and if there is a way to force a sync between the two systems so the HubSpot record gets created. The issue I am running into is a Contact rec read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
October 29, 2023
The Custom Object in Salesforce is a related-object to the Contact that can have a 1-to-many relationship. The associations are defined and setup. more
DSaucier on October 26, 2023
Hello, I am looking to understand some reasons why a Salesforce Contact record would not sync to HubSpot and if there is a way to force a sync between the two systems so the HubSpot record gets created. The issue I am running into is a Contact rec read more
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6 Replies
October 29, 2023
The Custom Object in Salesforce is a related-object to the Contact that can have a 1-to-many relationship. The associations are defined and setup. more
DSaucier on October 12, 2023
Hello, We recently purchased the SMS addon for Marketing Hub. I am looking to understand what happens when a recipient of a text replies to that text. Does it show up anywhere in HubSpot to either reply to or setup an internal notification? Thanks read more
22 Replies
DSaucier on August 04, 2023
Hi all! My company is new to HubSpot and I am looking to see if the community has any clever tricks to help me solve an issue. Some context, in our Salesforce instance, we have a pretty unique data structure around our Customers. When they are con read more
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4 Replies
August 04, 2023
Thanks for the reply @franksteiner79 , I will address you points as well as I can! The Salesforce Custom Object takes information from the more
DSaucier on August 04, 2023
Hi all! My company is new to HubSpot and I am looking to see if the community has any clever tricks to help me solve an issue. Some context, in our Salesforce instance, we have a pretty unique data structure around our Customers. When they are con read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
August 04, 2023
Thanks for the reply @franksteiner79 , I will address you points as well as I can! The Salesforce Custom Object takes information from the more
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