
Member since ‎Jul 11, 2023
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CD001 on November 29, 2022
A new option has been added to add business whatsapp to Hubspot. A nice option. Unfortunately, it is not possible to send an automatic reply when someone sends us a message. Most companies reply something like, "thanks for your message. We will repl read more
58 Replies
April 01, 2024
Se requiere estructurar un mensaje en WhatsApp para cuando este fuera de horario, ya que actualmente no se da esto.
AmandaStutzman on January 11, 2019
It would be very helpful to see how much time chat representatives are set to available. Currently, reps could set themselves to away without supervisors knowing and ultimately reducing the number of incoming chats. In order to analyze reps effect read more
39 Replies
September 11, 2023
Hola.. quiero sabersi puedo generar un reporte de disponibilidad de los usuarios en chat, es decir que em diga que dias y a que horas estuvi activo more
CD001 on November 29, 2022
A new option has been added to add business whatsapp to Hubspot. A nice option. Unfortunately, it is not possible to send an automatic reply when someone sends us a message. Most companies reply something like, "thanks for your message. We will repl read more
58 Replies
April 01, 2024
Se requiere estructurar un mensaje en WhatsApp para cuando este fuera de horario, ya que actualmente no se da esto.
SamhithaP on June 19, 2020
Hi, I would like to label my conversations. We deal with different products, sales processes, cs processes using Hubspot and HubSpot chatbot is live on many of our sites. I want to label the conversations based on the inputs provided and easily navi read more
July 11, 2023
Holaa.. ¿Que tal todo? En este caso lo que se requiero es que los chat/whatsApp se pueda tipificar por medio de prioridad y/o tipos de consulta, de more
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