
Member since ‎Jul 6, 2023
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Davide Turatti

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KatieMarr on September 07, 2021
We're trying to create deep links into our apps from our transactional HubSpot emails triggered via API send. We populate dynamically generated links onto custom contact properties in hubspot. The issue we're running into is these links redirect th read more
4 Replies
September 17, 2024
This is urgent to fix. we need to select if we want to rack transactional email or not
Herschel on December 10, 2019
Present visitors who mark a Knowledge Base article as unhelpful with a form to submit specific feedback as to why the article was not helpful. This would allow us to actually address the issues that visitors are experiencing. Idealy with the fee read more
July 08, 2023
This point is very urgent
RMcNeill on May 10, 2022
At the end of each Knowledge Base article in Hubspot, readers are asked to provide feedback. Instead of answering the question, " Was this article helpful?" with a "yes" or "no," I think it would be better for readers to answer with a positive or ne read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
July 08, 2023
This would be really helpfull
cullenwebster on October 11, 2021
Our team is needing a way to limit which units a particular user or team is assigned to. For example, if we have a team member who does support for one of our units and not another, I need to find a way to limit their access only to the unit they su read more
July 07, 2023
Hello, it is very important to be able to use Business Unit to differentiate the access permeisison of a user.
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