
Member since ‎Jul 1, 2023
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agulati on January 06, 2022
A buyer persona is a fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customer. They help you understand your customers and prospective customers better. If you're in the process of conducting research to curate a buyer persona, tell us below! G read more
August 17, 2023
So far it's interviewing my already established customers and those who considered me but didn't make a purchase.
MBarsoum on August 07, 2023
Hi everyone! The Product Partnerships Team at HubSpot will be hosting a webinar on August 16th at 2 PM EST to discuss how to build and scale your B2B affililate marketing program. Learn from industry experts at PartnerStack,, and read more
3 Replies
August 17, 2023
I missed this webinar because I didn't get the memo on time. can I get the recording for it?
kvlschaefer on August 10, 2023
Hey Community! In preparation for ( September 5-8 at the Boston Convention Center and Main Stage Spotlight and What’s Next speakers and programming through HubSpot's YouTube free livestream ) , we’ve created this board dedicated t read more
August 17, 2023
I won't be attending but would really love to watch the livestream. Hope my account supports that
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