
Member since ‎Jun 30, 2023
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Brian Del Terzo

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PTaghizadeh on January 22, 2021
Hi team, It would be a huge help if we can view all contacts in our lifecycle stage with a kanban view. This gives us full clairty of what our sales needs to do for the day. The same for the "lead status" as well. If we could get a kanban vi read more
6 Replies
September 06, 2024
A Kanban board view for lifecycle stages would indeed be a great addition to the HubSpot solution.
JMCronkhite on July 14, 2020
During "Normal" business hours Mon-Fri 8 to 4:45 EST we would like to skip the last step in a new lead's workflow, specifically we don't want an email to go out. The expectation being, our team will give that person a call momentarily. After hours a read more
3 Replies
August 28, 2024
I want to send an SMS message within 5 to 10 minutes of someone filling out a "Contact Us" form. However, if the form is submitted outside of more
JeffSwitzer on October 08, 2019
Hi Team, I'm looking to get a feature for static and non static lists implemnted. Can we have a restore contacts to list or restore list to previous version. I just accidentally deleted some contacts from a huge static list and Itd be nice if I read more
12 Replies
August 05, 2024
How about adding a 'restored date' property so that we can at least call up all the contacts that were just restored instead of disbursing them more
JeffSwitzer on October 08, 2019
Hi Team, I'm looking to get a feature for static and non static lists implemnted. Can we have a restore contacts to list or restore list to previous version. I just accidentally deleted some contacts from a huge static list and Itd be nice if I read more
12 Replies
August 05, 2024
How about adding a 'restored date' property so that we can at least call up all the contacts that were just restored instead of disbursing them more
ghrs123 on August 31, 2021
We need to have a way to rename client attachments because otherwise we have to download things that clients send, rename them and them upload them. Its a huge waste of time. Clients often name attachments they send with random words or numbers read more
9 Replies
July 11, 2024
What are we waiting for. How do any of these suggestions ever get on the roadmap? I never hear anything from HubSpot from all our efforts here.
NDym on October 17, 2023
We should be able to use certain discount codes for specific payment links. If I create an application waiver, I would like to be applicable to ONE of our certificate programs - not all of them!
1 upvote
1 Reply
June 20, 2024
Embedding discount codes directly into a payment link would greatly enhance convenience. Instead of requiring customers to manually enter a coupon more
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