
Member since ‎Jun 29, 2023
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AKhan786 on September 13, 2023
Hi there, I'm building Workflows which trigger based on deals moving to different pipeline stages. I've already successfully built workflows that trigger using the "When an event occurs" trigger, based on the " Property Name is Deal stage" (s read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
September 13, 2023
Also, editing the old workflows which have data set in the trigger, shows the selected Deal stage value as a weird number.... Searching for more
AKhan786 on September 13, 2023
Hi there, I'm building Workflows which trigger based on deals moving to different pipeline stages. I've already successfully built workflows that trigger using the "When an event occurs" trigger, based on the " Property Name is Deal stage" (s read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
September 13, 2023
Also, editing the old workflows which have data set in the trigger, shows the selected Deal stage value as a weird number.... Searching for more
AKhan786 on August 09, 2023
I have files stored in a SharePoint library, and want to use Power Automate (PA) to upload them to HubSpot. I can't use the async import from URL API as these would be sensitive files. Ideally I'd like to use the new API ( CMS API | Files (hubs read more
August 11, 2023
Hallelujah! You pointed me on the right path, and after a lot more googling along that line, trial & error testing, I stumbled accross the more
AKhan786 on August 09, 2023
I have files stored in a SharePoint library, and want to use Power Automate (PA) to upload them to HubSpot. I can't use the async import from URL API as these would be sensitive files. Ideally I'd like to use the new API ( CMS API | Files (hubs read more
August 11, 2023
Hallelujah! You pointed me on the right path, and after a lot more googling along that line, trial & error testing, I stumbled accross the more
AKhan786 on August 09, 2023
I have files stored in a SharePoint library, and want to use Power Automate (PA) to upload them to HubSpot. I can't use the async import from URL API as these would be sensitive files. Ideally I'd like to use the new API ( CMS API | Files (hubs read more
August 11, 2023
Hallelujah! You pointed me on the right path, and after a lot more googling along that line, trial & error testing, I stumbled accross the more
AKhan786 on August 09, 2023
I have files stored in a SharePoint library, and want to use Power Automate (PA) to upload them to HubSpot. I can't use the async import from URL API as these would be sensitive files. Ideally I'd like to use the new API ( CMS API | Files (hubs read more
August 11, 2023
Hallelujah! You pointed me on the right path, and after a lot more googling along that line, trial & error testing, I stumbled accross the more
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