
Member since ‎Apr 12, 2018
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John Marcello

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jmarcello on January 13, 2019
We are looking to have more control of what the blog site search actually queries and returns. For instance we'd like to be able to set it to: 1) Search only blog titles, or 2) Search only blog content, or 3) Search only blog titles and blog co read more
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4 Replies
Captshawn on April 05, 2017
Since the addition of custom modules into the Design Manager Tool, templates are being built using these custom modules. But these modules does not support smart content what makes its use limited of specific. ie: Best custom module idea is a read more
November 30, 2018
@Captshawn we would also be interested in the Beta.
jmarcello on November 25, 2018
All the background is here... Is there anyone willing/able to help with this specific issue? I am running WAY BEHIND on read more
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2 Replies
November 26, 2018
jmarcello on November 16, 2018
Here's is what I am trying to do... All my blog pages are using custom HTML/CSS/JS. I am not using the drag and drop design manager. My blog posts template is simply called single HTML. I am needing certain sections of my blog post to have c read more
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7 Replies
November 26, 2018
This is super helpful! Thanks!
Captshawn on April 05, 2017
Since the addition of custom modules into the Design Manager Tool, templates are being built using these custom modules. But these modules does not support smart content what makes its use limited of specific. ie: Best custom module idea is a read more
November 30, 2018
@Captshawn we would also be interested in the Beta.
Captshawn on April 05, 2017
Since the addition of custom modules into the Design Manager Tool, templates are being built using these custom modules. But these modules does not support smart content what makes its use limited of specific. ie: Best custom module idea is a read more
November 30, 2018
@Captshawn we would also be interested in the Beta.
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