
Member since ‎Apr 11, 2018
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Sarah Cusick Kalajian

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JoanaVL on June 28, 2019
Hi, I have searched for this question here, but none of the solved posts helped with my problem. How can I align the radio buttons with their labels on a form? It currently looks like this: This is the first time I'm using radio buttons on read more
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6 Replies
August 30, 2021
hi! i'm having this issue to. I can't find where to go into the CSS to update this. If I go to the style sheets or templates, it takes me to all of more
Sarah_K on November 12, 2018
Hi! According to this article ( ) I should have a place to replacet the PDF I have uploaded, but these screen shots look like a slightly older interface. I don't read more
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15 Replies
November 12, 2018
Thank you! Thanks to you I was able to figure out where to go to replace the link, but when it's loading as replaced, the same file is still showing more
Sarah_K on November 12, 2018
Hi! According to this article ( ) I should have a place to replacet the PDF I have uploaded, but these screen shots look like a slightly older interface. I don't read more
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15 Replies
November 12, 2018
Thank you! Thanks to you I was able to figure out where to go to replace the link, but when it's loading as replaced, the same file is still showing more
Sarah_K on April 11, 2018
If I send a marketing email to multiple lists and the same person is on two or three lists, will they receive the email multiple times or just once? Thank you for any advice.
1 upvote
3 Replies
April 13, 2018
@Phil_Vallender Thank you for your response. That is what I was hoping, but I definitely wanted to confirm. Thanks again!
Sarah_K on April 11, 2018
If I send a marketing email to multiple lists and the same person is on two or three lists, will they receive the email multiple times or just once? Thank you for any advice.
1 upvote
3 Replies
April 13, 2018
@Phil_Vallender Thank you for your response. That is what I was hoping, but I definitely wanted to confirm. Thanks again!
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