
Member since ‎Jun 23, 2023
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Tyler Shannon

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Daniel91 on September 14, 2017
I think its a must that hubspot sales should start to provide the possibility of adding html templates. We already pay 50$ per person to use more then 5 templates and in 2017 not being able to use HTML its like cutting off one leg to many comp read more
August 07, 2024
This would be a HUGE unlock for my client. The ability to use html templates from sequences is a must! Following this thread for updates!
SCusack4 on February 04, 2022
If I go to conversations and create a template is their no option to create a template using HTML? Is there a way to use the Marketing / Design tools / html email creation to show up as templates in the conversations templates area?
3 Replies
August 07, 2024
This would be a HUGE unlock for my client. Please, HubSpot, put this on the PR.
TShannon3 on July 11, 2024
Hi there. I have a Wordpress website with the HubSpot Plugin installed (and therefor the tracking code). In HubSpot, I'd like to be able to report on the following data points related to select Wordpress pages: 1. Number of conversions per read more
TShannon3 on June 14, 2024
Are utm parameters in a URL the only way to pass data to hidden form fields? I have a client who has a dynamic event registration flow in Wordpress. A user types in their zip code, is presented with a list of events nearby. Then they select the read more
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TShannon3 on May 20, 2024
I am supporting a client who currently uses Contact Form 7 for lead capture on their Wordpress site. We have their HubSpot tracking code installed which allows form submissions to be tracked in HubSpot CRM. And as stated in this documentation read more
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TShannon3 on April 25, 2024
Hello! I'm supporting a client who is using MHP and SHP. They need to build an workflow that uses the Google Sheets integration--sending specific data to Google Sheets whenever a new Contact record is created. We have installed the Google Sh read more
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