
Member since ‎Jun 23, 2023
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William Santiago Ortiz

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SOrtiz26 on July 09, 2024
Hi HubSpot Team, I would like to request a feature that allows us to set goals focused on contacts or companies, which can then be tracked and measured through specific lists or criteria within reports. Currently, we can create various goals, but read more
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SOrtiz26 on October 02, 2023
I think it would be a good idea to be able to hide certain confidential information in the products or line items, such as the cost of the product or other information that I add such as margins and others.
SOrtiz26 on August 23, 2023
It would be interesting to have the option of the country code of the telephone numbers in the scheduling forms, it is really very useful for our sales teams Thanks
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SOrtiz26 on June 23, 2023
When someone is creating a report, HubSpot automatically changes the text to lowercase, it would be a good idea to have the option to choose how you want to display the text, whether it is uppercase, lowercase or proper name
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