
Member since ‎Jun 21, 2023
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BethAnn Kruljac

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BKruljac on August 24, 2023
Hi there, We have a website hosted on Hubspot - and that site is the primary domain on our account. We have a couple secondary domains, and today tried to add another. When the DNS record updates propagated, the secondary domain added was now po read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
August 25, 2023
Thanks for the reply. I can confirm the DNS set-up wasn't the issue - if the A-record provided by Hubspot was indeed correct. It didn't match the more
BKruljac on August 24, 2023
Hi there, We have a website hosted on Hubspot - and that site is the primary domain on our account. We have a couple secondary domains, and today tried to add another. When the DNS record updates propagated, the secondary domain added was now po read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
August 25, 2023
Thanks for the reply. I can confirm the DNS set-up wasn't the issue - if the A-record provided by Hubspot was indeed correct. It didn't match the more
MSheehan on March 26, 2023
Hi, I've only started using HubSpot recently, and I'm having trouble with the page menu. I have created it and it does function, but I can't get it to display horizontally. I have the horizontal option selected but it still shows vertically. Is ther read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
July 21, 2023
Having the same issue and am not viewing a cached version of the page. Any other suggestions on why the horizontal menu won't render?
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