
Member since ‎Apr 6, 2018
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apetrini on March 05, 2019
When you use filters to create a contact, company or deal view - or when using filters in creating a custom report - there should be an option for OR instead of just AND like the list functionality on the marketing side. That way you can build repor read more
41 Replies
July 24, 2020
This is a huge problem. It's the quintessential example of a "feature" that is really a "bug". Anyway, adding my +1 to this black hole that is the " more
chelocean on June 08, 2017
I'm watching the HubSpot Academy course on the Sales CRM, and it mentions using Tokens as well as fill in the blank sections as best practice for Templates. It would be amazing if "Fill in the blank" sections could literally be input into emai read more
November 20, 2019
Ok, so can't believe this is still lingering.. But it sounds like the hack right now is to add a company field called "fill in the blank" or similar more
lrodriguez on February 06, 2019
It would be very useful if HubSpot automatically assigns the Deal's currency to the Custom Deal Property formatted as currency or if at least it gives the option to select the currency you want to use on the custom property, as of right now the amou read more
68 Replies
October 16, 2019
This is one of the top 10 (maybe top 5) enterprise flaws in HubSpot. Even adding a deal currency type default would be ideal. Then on reporting more
joeolsenmm on June 30, 2019
Hi! I have a dropdown property on a deal in Hubspot that has had a value selected. I would like to (through the API) change the value back to nothing/unselected/unkown. I tried sending in "" as a value and the the API sees that as sending nothin read more
June 30, 2019
UPDATE Turns out setting it to blank ("") works and the field is then recognized as "unknown" in HS. I was using the "Update Deal" zap in more
joeolsenmm on June 30, 2019
Hi! I have a dropdown property on a deal in Hubspot that has had a value selected. I would like to (through the API) change the value back to nothing/unselected/unkown. I tried sending in "" as a value and the the API sees that as sending nothin read more
June 30, 2019
UPDATE Turns out setting it to blank ("") works and the field is then recognized as "unknown" in HS. I was using the "Update Deal" zap in more
joeolsenmm on October 20, 2018
Hi everyone! I am looking to find a way to trigger a webhook call every time a note is added to a contact. Anyone have any thoughts on where to start? I looked through Zapier and it doesn't look like the solution is there. There is no standard workf read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
October 31, 2018
Thanks Issac. Are there private APIs that could? You mentioned "public" so just asking for clarity. Also, this seems like something that should more
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