
Member since ‎Mar 29, 2017
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Nwclark85 on January 15, 2018
We have just finished a trial of the messages module and a major reason wh your sales team decided to revert back to our old platform was an inability to transfer chats between users. THis is critical for us as if someone is asking a question read more
9 Replies
June 06, 2018
And again, there is no comment.........
Nwclark85 on January 15, 2018
We have just finished a trial of the messages module and a major reason wh your sales team decided to revert back to our old platform was an inability to transfer chats between users. THis is critical for us as if someone is asking a question read more
9 Replies
June 06, 2018
And again, there is no comment.........
prozakis on January 22, 2017
After we installed the email tracking plugin in Outlook 2016, the outlook app for desktop takes ages to load a new mail screen, or even worse to load the reply or forward screen. We uninstalled plugin and office and and re-installed. No differen read more
February 08, 2018
Thanks for that, I was using the plug in and have downloaded the add in and that now seems to improve performance. There are two issues with the more
Nwclark85 on January 15, 2018
We have just finished a trial of the messages module and a major reason wh your sales team decided to revert back to our old platform was an inability to transfer chats between users. THis is critical for us as if someone is asking a question read more
9 Replies
June 06, 2018
And again, there is no comment.........
MandyMc on December 12, 2017
I'd prefer to be sending visitors trigger messages when they have been engaging on a specific webpage, say they have been on the page for more than 1minute, the message appears.
38 Replies
January 15, 2018
In other live chat platforms, you can set a delay for when the message pops up to the end user. I.e. you can set it to pop up after 5 seconds to ask more
staci1074 on May 05, 2017
When I get a chat that is not a sales chat I need to get the information to someone else, it would be easiest if I could email the transcript to them directly or if it was somewhere in Hubspot I could send them the link. As it is set up right now t read more
15 Replies
January 15, 2018
Totally agree with the points above, we get a lot of non-sales chats and these need to be sent to other people in the business and/or saved outside more
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