
Mitglied seit ‎Mär 29, 2017
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Andrew Wang

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lsahagian on April 24, 2017
I have talked to a few users about being able to access social publishing/scheduling tools while on the go. This could incredibly useful for trade events, in order to centralise all of the social posts, and possibly launch campaigns on the go.
August 01, 2017
I was very disappointed when I downloaded the new app and saw all this functionality gone. Me too. We were disappointed not to find social publishi...Beitrag ansehen
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 8 votes. The leadflows that exist were great however it would be fantastic if certain people could see certain leadflows from the same page i.e. a marketing qualifed lead would see a "Download this gu Beitrag ansehen
38 Antworten
Juli 06, 2017
Definitely need LeadFlows to be smart. We have a blog subscribe banner that is getting better engagement than the sidebar. However, existing blog sub...Beitrag ansehen
Yoshi on Mai 22, 2017
Currently, blog comment module display old to new comment for specific blog. If we can have a choice to make it newer comennt to older comment, it would make it look like more real time comment on the blog post. Also, we have a lot of commen Beitrag ansehen
16 Antworten
Juni 27, 2017
I understand the importance of security... but also believe that in the 21st century, I should be able to reply to a reader comment and include a lin...Beitrag ansehen
nancyb on März 09, 2017
Hello, I want to intergrate Zoom with Hubspot for our webinar signups. I can see from the doc how to add the Join Webinar link into a Hubspot confirmation email, but I would also like to include Add to Calendar links for ical and Google. Is Beitrag ansehen
März 29, 2017
Thanks. Are you liking the GTW - HS integration? Worth the price?
nancyb on März 09, 2017
Hello, I want to intergrate Zoom with Hubspot for our webinar signups. I can see from the doc how to add the Join Webinar link into a Hubspot confirmation email, but I would also like to include Add to Calendar links for ical and Google. Is Beitrag ansehen
März 29, 2017
Thanks. Are you liking the GTW - HS integration? Worth the price?
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