
Membro desde ‎mar 29, 2017
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Stewart on Abril 20, 2017
It would be really cool to have a built in interface for the COS pages, specifically landing pages that showed us the actually interactions from people. The interface could look similar to what the email click map gives us now. This would certainly Leia mais
Stewart on Março 29, 2017
When adding a featured image to my lead flows, when clicking 'select a file', this opens up my own documents. Ideally, this should open up the HubSpot file manager so I can just grab what is already in there.
5 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Abril 12, 2017
Haha @vishnu . That's what happens when I start messing with all these options. I now don't even know how I did that haha. Shame there's no gi...Leia mais
Stewart on Março 29, 2017
When adding a featured image to my lead flows, when clicking 'select a file', this opens up my own documents. Ideally, this should open up the HubSpot file manager so I can just grab what is already in there.
5 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Abril 12, 2017
Haha @vishnu . That's what happens when I start messing with all these options. I now don't even know how I did that haha. Shame there's no gi...Leia mais
Stewart on Março 29, 2017
When adding a featured image to my lead flows, when clicking 'select a file', this opens up my own documents. Ideally, this should open up the HubSpot file manager so I can just grab what is already in there.
5 avaliações positivas
4 Respostas
Abril 12, 2017
Haha @vishnu . That's what happens when I start messing with all these options. I now don't even know how I did that haha. Shame there's no gi...Leia mais
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